Carbs, Units and Diabetic Honeymoon Period

Mike is back off holiday! So we are back to the normal giggles and waffle.  This episode Jack think his diabetic honeymoon period is over (RIP that pancreas), Mike had a bad time with alcohol on holiday, drinking wayyyy too much and destroying his time in range.  Talks of fitness and plans on how to stay fit! Plus all the usual Jacks Discovery (Carbs and Cals Special lol), Average Glucose Levels, Wins and Struggles, Can you guess the carbs and listener wins! Enjoy! PS.  The ending is hilarious

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Bonus: Hypo in the Pub – A Hilarious Diabetes First Date Story (Listener’s Story)

This Wednesday, Mike and Jack bring you a laugh-out-loud anonymous listener story! In this episode, we share "Hypo in the Pub," a hilarious and relatable tale of a first date gone wrong due to a hypo episode. Expect miscalculations, misunderstandings,...