In this entertaining episode of We Are T1D, hosts Mike and Jack dive into a hilarious listener-submitted story titled “My Cat Attacked the Sensor.” Join us as we explore the antics of a mischievous cat and its curious obsession with a Type 1 Diabetes sensor. This anonymous tale recounts a comical night where a feline goes into full hunting mode, attempting to pounce and even bite the sensor, all while the listener’s husband sleeps soundly.
As the story unfolds, Jack realizes the star of the tale is none other than his own kitten, adding a personal twist that will have you chuckling. The hosts discuss their own experiences with pets and how these furry companions often seem to intuitively sense their owners’ blood sugar levels, providing comfort during highs and lows.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone who appreciates the unique bond between pets and their T1D owners. We invite listeners to share their own amusing pet stories, fostering a sense of community among those living with Type 1 Diabetes.
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